PARIS 2018

PARIS 2018

BePeriod is inviting its students to an international gathering in Paris. From a centrally-located hotel in the old part of town, we will daily explore traces of school, dividing our time between site visits and relaxing walks, careful study and inspiring talks, taking as much advantage of the unique environment as our meeting together face to face.

Join us for an exploration of the Gothic tradition, the Musée de Louvre’s collection of worldwide art, the Musée Guimet’s collection of oriental art, and the Musée de Cluny’s collection of medieval art – all on the inspiring backdrop of the charming cafes, cobble-stone streets, manicured gardens, fountains and bells of Paris.



Join us for an esoteric exploration of Jerusalem, the ‘City of Peace.’ Observe the conflict between inner and outer interpretations of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Witness how the inner meaning that sparked these traditions is still accessible if only we know where to seek it. Experience the opportunity of learning with other fourth way students during the day and rehearsing with them at night. Use the effort, inspiration, and intensity of this gathering to experience your own ‘inner peace’…

ROME 2017

ROME 2017

Museum and site visits, meetings and dining events, a concert, and a puppet show — all prepared and performed by Beperiod members. Events are focused around a weekend. However, if you’re able to come earlier, there will be daily activities during the week leading to it, from Monday September 25th: